Coats sells North American crafts operation

But it’s also shedding some non-core businesses as it focuses squarely on the products it makes for the global fashion and sports industries. It said on Tuesday…

Generation Z is making in-store shopping fashionable again

According to a recent LIM College survey, Generation Z consumers prefer bricks-and-mortar shopping to online browsing. They are also bigger spenders when it comes to fashion, with…

Avon receives multi-product ‘Leaping Bunny’ cruelty-free approval

And within the alliance the global beauty brand, which is a portfolio mate of The Body Shop, has receive CFI approval under its ‘Leaping Bunny Programme’, the…

Nayla Ajaltouni of éthique sur l’étiquette says bad practices are back, ten years after the Rana Plaza disaster

FashionNetwork: What memory do you have of the Rana Plaza tragedy and its impact?Nayla Ajaltouni: The Rana Plaza [tragedy] was a shock but not a surprise. Our…

Poor conditions in Leciester garment factories continue – report

After reports in 2020 highlighted poor standards in the city’s clothing factories, more than half of sector workers there still fall below minimum employment standards, claims a…